2013年10月14日 星期一

10 things about learning English that make me happy

10 things about learning English that make me happy

  1. I can chat with foreigners.
  2. I can sing my favorite songs in English.
  3. I am able to follow the news posted by the American or British stars on facebook or twitter.
  4. I also understand more about what English magazines, websites, and books say.
  5. While I am watching a Hollywood movie, I can enjoy it without Chinese subtitles.
  6. I can know more global news from BBC or CNN.
  7. By learning English, I can get more confident.
  8. At the same time, I learn American and British cultures as well.
  9. I can enjoy more English TV dramas like Gossip Girls and Lie to me.
  10. Because English is an international language, I feel that I can get contact with the world as I use English.


